Girls compliment my ass all the time They like a big round muscle ass that can generate thrusting power and pound the living bejesus out of them. An epic male muscle butt like mine beats abs for picking up chicks every time, serious. A big ass also makes you look 'powerful as phuck'. In fact it makes you 'powerful as phuck'...naturally.... I got massive glutes. I think this explains the explosiveness and speed in Negroes... very serious about that. Strong glutes make you a good sprinter, strong puncher, strong kicker, etc. No homo but look at sprinters' asses... all of em big! Most black bbers have these long big glutes that stick out and white ones have pancake glutes.
I, myself, was blessed with 'negro glutes' even though I'm
white. I have been complimented on my ass by girls at least as much as
any other body part!