Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mule vs The Dirtest Player in the League

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~Enrique Nieto Nadal~

Story by Mule, Edited by Editor Brah, Original Mule/Clipper Fight Pic by Enrique Nieto Nadal*

To appreciate this post, you will need to know a little about American Football:

The National Football League defines clipping as “the act of throwing the body across the back of the leg of an eligible receiver or charging or falling into the back of an opponent below the waist after approaching him from behind, provided that the opponent is not a runner.”

Clipping is a Personal Foul, a block from behind that is below the waist, that carries a 15 yards penalty. (Rule 12, Section 2, Article 1)  Clipping is one of the most dangerous, and potentially injurious penalties in football. Clipping has the potential to cause a wide variety of injuries to the player that is clipped. Some such injuries can be career-ending, and in some severe cases life-altering, as the player that is clipped is unaware of the incoming hit and thus has no time to physically prepare for the hit.

Every year Sports Illustrated conducts a poll of NFL players to make a list of the Dirtiest Player in the NFL.


"What the actual Fuck!!!
 I yelled, just before I throw my cell phone
 against the wall

"What the actual Fuck!!!"  I yell, as I throw my cell phone against the wall.  3rd phone I lost that way recently, and another hole in my wall to patch.  But I was justified in my anger.

That's the third one of my clients that asshole has sent to the hospital.  He took one out for the season. And his coach either can't or won't stop him. The subject of my rage has the nickname of  Clipper and that's what he does to other players in the game. He's already paid more in fines than most CEO's make in a year but he just goes on clipping. He actually enjoys injuring other players.

Clipper is a thug and a complete sack of shit.  Despite showing a lot of talent, he went undrafted out of college due to character concerns. Being busted for PED (steroid) use, didn’t help either.  But to his credit he came storming into the league as an undrafted free agent, and stood out as a first-year player for his aggressive play, as well as his ability to hit opposing players with near car accident level impact.  The rookie had the dubious achievement of being voted the no.1 dirtiest player in the league in the  Sports Illustrated NFL poll during his first year. He’s been fined eight times, suspended three times.  He talks trash, gets in everyone's face, and bends the rules as far as he possibly can.  Receivers hate playing him, he is notorious for targeting knees. and the fans of the team he's facing, hate him personally.  Even his own teammates straight-up hate him.  Just because a guy wears the same uniform as you, doesn't mean he has to be a friend. In a heated locker room fight he knocked a teammate out cold with a perfectly placed hook to the chin.  Less than a week later, he fought and KO'd the same team mate AGAIN.  The team mate wanted to run the fight back ... and redeem himself for takin' an L the first time around. But, the 2nd fight ended just like the 1st ... with a right hook by Clipper, sending his fellow player, crashing to locker room floor.

This will not stand! If the League and his team can't or won't do something about this asshole, then I will!

I am going to  need an ally to pull this off.  And I think I know the perfect one.  That Strongside linebacker that  had gone a mano-a-mano with Clipper and been knocked out twice for his efforts, is bound to still be holding a grudge.   Let's power up the trusty computer and dox that boyo.

Delashaun  BenJarvus Durousseau , hmmm, there are creoles named Durousseau back home in Louisiana, mostly around Ville Platte, surely I can't be so lucky......

and BINGO, born Mamou, Louisiana. Played at Ole Miss...Well, looks like I will need to break out my best Bobby Boucher Cajun accent for this job.....I have some convincing and scheming to do, but I think I have found my ally for this little project. 


A not too short road trip made bearable by  stops at two different Buck ee's. I found myself in an undisclosed city which was home to the undisclosed football team. I had a good nights sleep at an upscale hotel with a decent gym and very good restaurant using my Hilton Rewards points. I checked in with Delashaun and we finalized arrangements to meet.  Early the next morning I went to the team practice facility and met up with Delashaun. We headed to the team locker room to get ready for the practice.

In the  locker room, I am still chatting with Delashaun  and meeting the other players as I strip down and then start dressing out to play. I pull the skin tight white football pants up and over my bulging jock, then reach back and pull the shining white spandex out of my  ass crack.

I look around and think that this is Clipper's locker room so I am on his home turf here.  Except his own team mates all hate his fucking arrogant guts and his disrespectful ways and are hoping I can beat some humility into his ass. 

The shit his own team speaks about him confirms
what your Mule has already concluded:
Clipper is an asshole in desperate need of
a good, buntal and humiliating  ass-kicking!

"You got a team jersey and helmet for me, brahs?"
 I ask in the locker room

"You got a team jersey and helmet for me, brah?" I ask with my best Cajun inflections.

Delashaun answered, and after a moment, I translated it as: " Yeah, man, but you're not playing football, bro — you're fighting a football player!"

" Nah fam, I'm not  fighting a football player, I am beating one up, with your help," I correct.

" Yeah, sure Mule, but remember -
you're not here to play football, bro - you're  here
 to do us a  solid and beat some humility
into our arrogant Team Captain!"

"Fuuuuk dude, you're stacked. I been in locker rooms most of my life with top tier athletes and even I'm impressed!  Even your muscles have muscles. No Homo!" Delashaun exclaims as he watches me changing into football gear.

"Thanks, bro!  That compliment means a lot  coming from a dude with your build!" I returned the compliment. Delashaun was down to his briefs getting dressed out for practice when I got there, so I got an eyeful of black muscle already.

Delashaun down to his briefs

Delashaun hands me a red cut-off football practice jersey. I examine it as I go over the plan with my ally.  "So y'all  arranged it so we just got Clipper and four brothers doing special practice now? That must have been some good bullshit you were selling.   And the four brothers are cool with this?"

Translated from the creole jumble mumble his response was: "Fuck yeah, all the brothers on this team fucking hate that racist white pretty boy,  uhh, no offense Mule.  We been waiting for someone to kick his ass.  You're chill, nigga.  Whoa, dude,  you look like  the incredible Hulk in a uniform.   I remember watching couple of Dook games on TV as a kid. You look even bigger than you did when you was playing Defensive End back in college. No wonder you didn't have any problem getting past security, you sure got the build of a football player.

Coach is in his office watching game film.   When I give the signal,  me and the other players will  step aside while you call Clipper out. Kick his butt and tell him why you’re doing it."

I smirk and nod.

"Cool," I say. “And I'm sure we are gonna to trash talk and shove each other around before the fight. You boyos not gonna try to jump in when we do, right?” I ask

Delashaun smirks, then shakes his head.  “Nah, they wouldn't piss on that crackah to put him out if he was on fire, so back to the fight — show off first, then show you’re not intimidated, then try to intimidate,” Delashaun says. “ then whip his ass.

Because If you lose, he’ll just go on clipping, probably even more than before, you know,” Delashaun says,

I shrug. “I won’t lose,” I  say, winking to my blog readers beyond the fourth wall of the story, as I clamp my right  hand on the impressive bulge at my crotch as I  continue to adjust my  bulge.  I bend down and begin to pull on my football shoes complete with cleats.

Ya'll are fightin’ in cleats?” a surprised Delashaun asks.

Yup,” I answer with a devilish grin. “That should hurt like hell.

I guess you’ll find out the minute he kicks you,” laughs  Delashaun.  "Just make sure he doesn't kick you in your big dick."

 I just grunt in response,

 I  pull the red   cut-off jersey over my head. The bottom ends just below my bulging pecs and above my rippling  muscled abs.  "Daymn, big fella.  Even your muscles have could be a professional bodybuilder with a body like that...."  the admiring black athlete says with an appreciative whistle.

"Head out to the field.  I will let things settle down and come out in a halfa hour. " I answer, seemingly ignoring the compliment, although it made my cock twitch.

Exactly 30 minutes later, I come bursting  out of the  locker room and down the tunnel, helmeted head down, in red   cleats and a red   cut-off jersey  that showed  off my rock-hard  glistening abs.   I jog up to the field, shadow boxing on my way, passing the signs reading  "NO Access to  Field during Closed Football Practice".

As expected, the field is empty except for a small group of stretching football players — dressed in red jerseys and white spandex matching mine.

I jog quickly past the players on “my” team.  The players forget about their warm up at the impressive sight of the huge beast of a  mystery player, bulging muscles glistening with sweat, who has taken the field.   My heavily packed jock creates an impressive bulge under the skin-tight, white spandex football pants.   I dominate the playing field with just my presence, like a larger than life super hero!

"There's your man," Delashaun says, pointing to a giant muscular blonde player stretching his legs on the field. “Call him out."  Thanks for pointing him out, Delashaun, like I wouldn't be able to pick out the only other white dude on the field, and reminding me why I'm here. 

I turn my back to "my teammates" in order to 'front' Clipper.  I clamp my bulge in my left hand and point at Clipper with my right, before turning the hand over and giving a “come here” gesture with his index finger. One hyper-masculine alpha male challenging another.

The excited  players let out an impressed, “Ewwwwwwww…” at the sight of one fighter calling out another.

"You’re gonna pay for clipping, you dirty muthafuking  punk," I  snarl at Clipper as I crack my knuckles.

Clipper looks up, more puzzled than confused. "What?!" He says, without a trace of fear  in his confident voice.

In a louder voice, I thunder: "I SAID I’m here to make you pay for your cheap clips, and I am going to break your nose while I’m at it!”  I raise my fists and begins bouncing on the balls of my feet to punctuate my promise.

Players begin taking off their helmets and form a circle around me and Clipper. Some of the players on the team start to snicker.

Clipper stands and faces me.

"Who the fuck are you, phaggot?!" Clipper shouts, his muscles tensing.

I swagger up to, but not over, the field’s halfway point and, facing Clipper.  I  raise my huge right arm, point at my bicep, then harden it as the players stare.  I flex a few times until I am displaying a 22" rock hard bicep with a mountainous peak so high, it looks like it should have a snow-cap.  

Then I turn and raise my left arm and flex that bicep till its as hard and big as a cannon ball.  Then I put my hands on the back of my helmet and flex my pec shelf before solidifying my sweat-slick eight pack. All eyes were on me, their eyes following my bouncing pecs up and down, their pupils like yo-yos. My bulging pecs dance and my abs turn into a wall of concrete blocks!

The brothers behind me  cheer and hoot as they high—five and slap ass at my astounding and audacious  display of muscle.

Clipper's eyes get  wider as he sizes up  this rival, then angrily raises his fists. I take a quick inventory of Clipper's glistening biceps and  heavily muscled stomach and his impressively stout, protruding pectoral shelf. My dick treacherously defected to Team Clipper and gave him a proper salute!

I quickly sized up the muscleman I had just called out. He was exceptionally well built, nearly my height and weight. He was in his mid-twenties, and wore a tight fitting red crop top, which, like my own, left no detail of his magnificent torso to the imagination. His huge chest, with massive bulging pecs, tapered to a slim tight waist. His pecs bulged and relaxed as he breathed deeply. His muscular thighs and buttocks were molded into his skin-tight spandex football pants. 

Clipper just stands there in red helmet, gleaming white pants that emphasised his impressive crotch bulge, and black cleats. His red jersey dangles from his shoulders and exposes his rippling, sculpted abs.  There is a hint of a smile on Clipper's lips as he sized me up. He instantly recognized that my physical development to be at least the equal of his if not better.   But as  impressive and as powerful as my mightily muscled physique was, Clipper was confident he was equally as muscled and at least as strong as me.  From the sudden shocked  silence of my cheering squad, it sounded like some others on the team held the same assessment.

Kick his ass, boyo!” yells one burly, dreadlock coiffed  brother, the loudest of the bunch. He slaps my  butt and pushes me forward. "Take him out, boy!" he shouts.

Clipper turns to face me. He sports two black squares painted below his eyes. . He flips off the burly dreadlock wearing dude that just slapped my ass.

Clipper struts to the 40 yard line and comes to a stop. Clipper looks me up and down.  I get this chill feeling  like I'm a lamb being sized up for dinner by a wolf.

I give him a hard stare back.

"I'm gonna stomp the fuck out of you, punk! I will send your big musclebound ass back home to your mama crying like a little girl, boyo” he growls.

"Yeah, well, I'm rubber and you're glue.  Any thing you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" I snap back. I burned him pretty good in that exchange. I am KING OF THE PLAYGROUND!

 I hear my boyos hesitate for a few seconds, but then hoot and cheer my witty comeback.

Clipper snorts in disgust.  Then walks closer to me, and spits on the grass.

I'm going to roll you, you pussy bitch!" Clipper says, voice dripping with confidence. "Let’s go right now! Football stance — see who knocks who over!

 The  top-tier athlete doesn't wait for an answer from me to his challenge, and instead lowers his body and puts his right arm down into the ground, setting his legs and getting ready to jump, looking up at me  to see if I am  going to match his football stance.  I give a sideways glance to the eagerly watching team mates,  then smile and nod.

"Come on.  Let's see what you got, soyboy!!"  I growl in acceptance of the challenge issued.

As the players cheer, I snort and spit, narrowly missing Clipper.  Then I lower my body and also put my right arm onto the ground, setting my tree-trunk legs.  Now both bulls are faced-off  in a three-point stance. Our muscled asses  flex in anticipation under the skin—tight spandex.

Like two bulls about to lock horns,we are faced-off in a
 three-point stance

I know how this drill works. In a tackle, whoever gets lower is gonna win. It's all about your center of gravity.

Delashaun begins to call it. He shouts: "Ready... set... CHARGE!"

With the force of a head-on collision between two trains,  we collide. It feels to me like this train wreck has shifted into slow motion.  

We collide with the force of a head-on
 collision between two trains!

Clipper drives his shoulder into my muscled gut with all the power  of a locomotive, as his mighty legs drive him forward.  A huge blast of air, mixed with spit, flies out my mouth, along with a loud as King-Kong ape-like grunt as I am impaled by the big shoulder.  UHHHHHHH!!!!  Clipper is slightly lower than me so when we hit  he  stands me up, then drives through me, sending  me crashing onto my ass in the grass.  Clipper had won the play and knocked my ass to the grass.

Clipper turns around to smirk at your humiliated Mule. “You hit like a little  girl, bitch!” he laughs, then snorts and spits into my face as he towers above me.

"Get up...I am just starting to punish you!!!" he demands.

The watching players  have gone silent.

I angrily scramble to my feet.

"THAT's how I like to play… if only there were fewer pussy rules in football..."  Clipper taunts the  disappointed watching players.

With my big  chest and sculpted abs heaving to replace the air I had lost, I  glare at Clipper  and pull my helmet off, throwing it on the ground. Then I put both hands on my jersey’s collar and rip it in half, revealing my glistening, muscled chest. I throw both pieces to the ground and once again the players  cheer. I quickly begin to flex my muscles in an effort to restore some hope to the players that were pulling for me, and to  intimidate  my foe.

I flex my muscled chest and bulging pecs  to restore the
 confidence  of  the players that were pulling for me, 
and to  intimidate my foe

Clipper steps back and pulls off his helmet, revealing a magazine-model  handsome face with piercing blue eyes and a blonde hair. He throws the helmet to the ground, then pulls his jersey over his head, revealing his own muscular torso. His jersey joins his helmet on the ground.

Clipper is fucking stud!
His physique is 
 ripped and shredded and stacked with bulging muscle.
 He looks more like a Greek muscle god
than a football player!

Clipper's bulging muscles and sculpted physique
 bore witness  to  all the extra hours he had spent 
 lifting iron in the team weight room!
Clipper looked like if Captain America
took a triple-dose of super-soldier serum! 

"Fuck" I think.  "This stud is built!" as my eyes take in his awesome physique.   Despite his other character flaws, Clipper was known as a dedicated warrior in the weight room. His bulging muscles bore witness to  all the extra hours he had spent  lifting iron.   His muscles were  astounding in their size, thickness, and definition. I was bigger, I was heavier, but his physique was just incredible. Ripped and shredded, with hose sized veins crisscrossing his body like a road map, his tanned bronzed flawless skin gave him the appearance of a Greek muscle god. The dude legit looked like Captain American after taking a double-dose of super-soldier serum! 

I was bigger, I was heavier, and my muscles were  larger
 in their size and thickness!
Clipper's physique was incredible: Ripped and shredded
 and even more defined than your Mule's!

"I enjoyed the little "gun show" you put on earlier, pal. Here's my  entry. I hope I'm not too late!!"  Very slowly Clipper flexed his right arm for me. Right before my eyes, a huge mound of rock formed and grew into a solid-granite mound. 

Clipper's entry to the 'gun show'! His bicep was an over-sized
 cannonball of  iron muscle that grew into a solid-granite 
mound when he flexed

Nearly as big as my own, It was an over-sized cannonball of  iron muscle, rippling with veins, pulsing with muscle fibers. My visual tour of his muscled torso continued to his chest. It was solid and hardened, as if it were made of the same iron as his arms. My eyes moved slowly across his muscular chest, taking in  the deep cleavage between his striated pecs

 Clipper interrupts  my survey of his Grand Canyon wide chest .  "You Admiring?" he asks with a cocky grin.

And now that you know who and what you are dealing with, you better  show me some fucking respect or else  I will beat you even worse than I already plan to! Got it, soyboy?” cocky Clipper continued.

 I growl my response to  Clipper. "I shattered the nose of the last football punk I fought and I'll break your nose too, you pretty boy bitch! A broken nose won't keep you from being able to play, but it will make playing pure misery!"

"Looks like we better let these studs work it out mano-a-mano," Delashaun says as the players back away to  give Clipper and me plenty of  room to fight.

"Let's make this easy, Big Guy." Clipper says with a grin." You look like a big strong dude. And I'm a big strong dude. And we both want to know whose muscle is stronger.  So let's fight using just pure strength. No fancy MMA shit or cheap tricks!  You think you can win without them, muscle boy?" Clipper proposes. 

"Yeah, I'm down for that!" I respond. "Head on, face to face. Let's just beat the shit out of each other.  Simple as fuk, bro!" I say with a grin of my own as I accept the challenge and the terms!

 The players watch intensely as the  two musclemen crouched and began to circle each other slowly, fists raised.  We were both snorting and pawing at the ground like a couple of bulls.  The players cheer me on. If having his own teammates pulling against him is hurting his feelings, he sure isn't showing it.  If anything, it seems to make him even more determined to prove who is boss.

 Clipper charges forward and fires a brutal right uppercut into my muscled ridged 6-pac  stomach, the thud  of fist against muscle causing some of the watching players to wince. UHHHHHFFFF!!!! My body is lifted slightly upward by the attack, forcing a grunt  from me, as Clipper immediately fires a left uppercut that again slams hard up and in to my abs.  My abs held, but even I won't be able to take too many body shots of that caliber.   The dudes got fists like fucking sledgehammers. Delashaun, watching closely, shakes his head and thinks the same thing.  Mule needs to do something, he can't just keep eating those incoming fists of steel.

Clipper has managed to get inside  my guard and is lighting me up with body blows.  I  take advantage of Clipper's closeness by clamping my hands behind his shoulders and yanking him toward him as I drive my  right knee up, powered by my 28" quad, into  Clipper's rock-solid stomach. Clipper grunts in pain but immediately returns the embrace and fires his right knee into my reddening stomach, then pulls me forward and drives his left knee even deeper into my abs.  I instinctively cover my bruised stomach with my  right arm and back away from my opponent.

Clipper grins, obviously satisfied that he got the best of me in that  exchange, too. Apparently being something of a mind reader, he took the momentary break in action to slap his big right leg, flexing his leg and shaking out his huge quad like a pro bodybuilder. "Surprise, big boy. I got legs too, baby. Just as big and as strong as yours... 28" of  killer quads that I will be using to kick and stomp the shit out of you.  You should have done a better job of scoping out your target, moron. You are about to  learn that I'm just as muscular and as strong  as you are, you stupid  motherfuker!"

 Clipper and I raise our fists and again begin to circle, muscled chests heaving. "Fuck," I think. "This dude is no slouch. I need to step up my game. Those fists and knees of his really hurt...Clipper is a tough motherfuker  and fast...and from what he has shown so far,  as strong as fuk!  And fuk if he ain't right, his arms and legs are nearly as big as mine. I should have studied my opponent first., and analyzed  his strengths and weaknesses.  But I didn't, and it looks like Clipper is a much tougher opponent that I was expecting him to be!  I got my work cut out for me for sure!"

We are both  dripping with sweat, as the hot late afternoon sun beats down on the football field.  I take a  step forward with my left leg, then I fire my right cleated foot into Clipper's stomach, cutting the flesh and forcing a grunt out of pain while sending him stumbling back. I start to hear cheers, but the sound is cut short by Clipper's well-executed (and illegal) cross tackle  that  targeted  both my knees, hyper-extending them slightly.  I let out a cry and crash hard onto my back on the artificial turf.  

Clipper's face is to the side of my  knees. Just as some of the players begin to boo Clipper's illegal and dangerous tackle I pull both of my knees up to my sweat-slick chest and fire both of my cleated feet toward Clipper's stunned face. Clipper manages  to dodge the kick as my right shoe barely grazes his left cheek. Clipper scrambles up to his knees, then raises his left fist and pounds it like a hammer into my reddening abs. *OOOF!*  I gasp in pain and instinctively pull my knees up to my chest.   

Clipper seems determined to punch his way through my armor plated abs.  He may just do it, my abs are weakening under the  barrage of  brutal punishment he is inflicting. I'm having trouble maintaining  my protective flex.   My abs can't take much more. I'm going to need to end this fight quick.

Meanwhile, Clipper has quickly scrambled up my torso until his knees straddle my hips, then rears back his right fist and send it smashing hard toward my mouth, but misses as I move my  head to the side  in anticipation.

Clipper, obviously pissed at missing, now pulls  his right fist as far back as he can.  "Let's see you slip my right fist again, asswipe.  I'm going to punch you in your fucking whore mouth so hard it will knock your teeth out!  I'm sure your boyfriend will love that when your sucking his cock!    Ever picked up your teeth off the ground with broken fingers, cocksuker?"  

But he sends too much time talking his shit.  I twist my upper torso to the left while raising my right elbow, then spin back, smashing my elbow into Clipper's nose. Clipper nose gets tagged and he snaps his head back more in surprise than pain. "Let's try that again," I think, calmly.  I now twist to the right, lifting my left elbow, and fire it toward Clipper's nose but miss as his peak athletic reflexes rear his head back just in time.

My ab muscles flex as I roll my upper body up and quickly grab the  blond hair atop Clipper's head in my left fist, then pull Clipper's face downward as I fire my right fist upward toward Clipper's mouth.  Clipper's head snaps back from the impact of my fist splitting Clipper's bottom lip. Clipper dabs at his bloody lip with the back of his hand and makes the mistake of examining the blood as my upper body, still lifted as if performing sit-ups, sends a brutal right fist smashing into his left eye, sending him crashing onto his right side in the grass. "Yeah, get the fuck off me, you stupid kunt!" I growl at him. I hear Mule team cheers, as I scramble up to my knees and immediately mount Clipper who is now cupping his swelling eye. I yank Clipper's hand away from his eye with my left hand and raise my right arm. 

Then I use my full force to drive my right elbow smashing down deep into Clipper's swollen left eye. Clipper screams.  With my glistening chest and abs heaving, I rear up and  look down at Clipper, who is now curled into a fetal ball, cupping his damaged eye with both hands and moaning. "Finish him," I hear his team mates shout. I hear Delashaun interject another shout."Break his nose, like you said you would...."

I throw a thunderous left to Clippers jaw. But Clipper is no
slouch! He has taken my best shots and is still fighting. The
 muscle man is almost as strong as I am, and  is giving me a
 run for my money! I'm wearing myself out but I've got to
 keep on the pressure on if I am to win!

I instantly fire my right fist toward Clipper's nose, but miss as Clipper rotates around, and ducks under the wild punch. Clipper then stands upright and drives an uppercut into my  chin. I take the full brunt of the punch, head snapping upward, a splash of blood from my mouth spattering up my face, as I stumble back two steps. OWW...didn't see that coming.  Everything was spinning, the punch had rocked me.  

 I heard an appreciative OOOOHHHHH from the audience, who knew a good punch when they see one.  So this tough brawler has some fight left in him after all. What does it take to make this fucker back down?!?

 I quickly shake my head clear, sweat flying from my hair as I do.  I bounce back a couple of steps, then rear back my right fist and, tensing my muscles, send it flying toward Clipper's nose. The punch connects as Clipper's head is snapped straight back, the fighter falling onto his ass. Clipper is quick to scamper back to standing as blood trickles from his nostrils. Fists raised, he slowly circles me, His team mates have to begrudgingly admire the amount of punishment this dude can both take and inflict.  He may be an asshole, but when it comes to toughness, he can bring it!  At least it doesn't sound from the cheers like there have been any defections from Team Mule to Team Clipper yet.  Barely had that thought left my brain, then Clipper fires his foot, cleats first, into my rib cage. I try to dodge the kick but I end up taking most of it, sweat spraying. I take advantage of the distance to return the favor, firing my cleats into Clipper's rippling six-pack.

My  cleats are driven deep into Clipper’s abs, leaving cuts.. The  fighter again crashes to the turf, getting knocked on his back as he cries out with a grunt of pain on impact and a moan after the fall. As his teammates explode into cheers,  I run forward and plant my feet on either side of Clipper's bloodied stomach. I rear back my right foot and send it smashing into the young athlete's nose.  Blood explodes from Clipper's nose and spatters up my white football pants as the team mates wince at the vicious attack.

I fire my big  right fist into Clipper's face snapping his head 
back when it connects!

I pull the muscled fighter off the turf by his hair. He fires his own knee attack toward my stomach, as I bring him up.  I just  smirk and easily deflect the knee. Still holding  Clipper's hair with my left hand, I pull back my right fist, and send it flying toward  Clipper's nose.  He skillfully avoids  my right fist, as it soars past his head. With my long muscle packed  body fully stretched  wide open before him,  Clipper plants himself and sends his hard right knee powered by his amazingly powerful 28" quad up and into my stomach.

OOOFFF!!!  The knee to my gut  bends me over as air and blood explodes out my mouth. Flexing his chest and bicep muscles, Clipper  moves forward fast and fires a second knee deep into my muscled  stomach, adding to the destruction to my once invulnerable  washboard abs  oooOOOFF!!  This time I am folded almost in half.

"You can't say I didn't tell you exactly what was gonna happen. " Clipper says calmly;  I showed you my big quads and told you I was gonna kick your ass with these 28" legs of mine.  My football player legs are As big as your bodybuilder legs, and just as strong....They will be the instruments of your destruction. I will make you worship my fucking legs when we are done.... "

" fucking abs... he knocked the wind out of me with those knee lifts to my gut..."  I need some  time to recover!

 Seeing my worked-over body  rendered momentarily helpless, Clipper moves in to take advantage. Grabbing me by the hair, Clipper delivers 5 quick punches to my  weakening gut.  The power of his sledgehammer fists was lifting my 260 pound frame clear off the ground.  Outrageous pain erupted from the explosions that were systematically destroying the muscle that once defended my brick-wall abs.  "AIR!  I gotta get air.  I .... can’t .... breathe!  Damn it!  The first rule, if you can’t breathe, you can’t fight.  I’ve got to get away, protect myself and get time to recover."  I think, forcing myself not to panic. 

Clipper  suddenly  and easily picks my 260 lbs up  body slamming me to the ground with an earth shaking  'THUD'.  I am laid out like I just got sacked by the entire Defensive line!  While I am laying there like I have been hit by a Mac truck, I could faintly make out the mountain of  muscle standing above me, just before Clipper delivered his full 250 lbs weight behind a knee drop deep in the center of my unprotected stomach. Having been weakened from the power of  Clipper's ferocious fists my washboard abs buckled and offered no protection as what little wind I still have in my body is taken out by his hard  knee drop.  Clipper's strategy of having targeted my abs and core throughout our fight is now paying off for him.  I may not have had any weak spots when we started this fight, but Clipper has succeeded in making his own chink in my Mule muscle armor.  Clipper had concentrated incredible force on working over the  muscle that defended my brick-wall abs. Now my once picture perfect abdominals are coated in colorful welts and bruises, wrecked by the damage the powerful athlete had delivered.

 Clipper's on fire as he follows that up by straddling and  and then mounting  me. The now dominating Clipper is sitting on my mid-section, daymn, even his ass is rock solid muscle.  I don’t think this guy has a weak point!  Suddenly it's raining fists as he sends a left, right, left into my chest and pecs!  Clipper then does some posing of his own over my laid out body, "You had your fun, BOY!  My turn now.  I will beat you to a pulp!" he says as he flashed his best I’m having fun now’ smile.

"Fuck, he's kicking my ass!" goes through my brain as I desperately try to clear my head and come up with a better strategy to win this fight.  So far, "Let's just beat the shit out of each other!" seems to be working better for Clipper than it has for me!

Our audience watched as the "White Knight" that was supposed to teach their Captain a lesson gets his ass handed to him. Clipper's team mates are begrudgingly beginning to appreciate just how tough and determined their team captain is.  He has taken a hell of a beating but it is looking like he is still going to pull out a win!  Clipper is still a racist POS, but he is earning a lot of respect and creds from his own team by what he is showing today.  He's making a comeback after that other white boy had beaten the shit out of him. There is just 'no quit' in Clipper's DNA.  Whatever else Clipper may be, Clipper is a warrior!

Clipper  gets up knowing that I've taken a lot of damaging hits  and that he's  turned this fight around!  I now realize the full extent of this young jock's  power and his fighting heart!

Clipper put his size 14  cleated foot on my heaving chest to keep me on the ground. "Yeah, bitch! Check these biceps out! I bet you weren't expecting abs and pecs like mine on a football player!" The young powerhouse QB flexes his well cut physique for me, the big man under his foot. I had to admit, Clipper's muscle packed  body was as impressive as my own!

"You dared to come to MY home stadium and challenge me?  I own this place, fucker, and I protect it.   Thought you'd come in and throw your weight around.  Not so much fun when I'm throwin' your weight around, is it?  I am gonna show you some real 'home field advantage now..."  Clipper speechified for my benefit. Even a couple of his hostile team mates had to fight back an urge to cheer.  That sure sounded like one of those  good rousing and inspiring  half-time speeches  that the Coach delivers in the locker room when your behind at the end of the first half.

Clipper pulls at the strings of his football pants, lowering them down his body, then pulls out his huge fat, soft dick.  “You're mine, bitch!” It was an impressive cock. His teammates had seen his "warrior hard-on" in the locker room and showers after every game and practice and it was the biggest cock on the team.  The huge meat between the legs this young jock stud stallion  was as long and as thick as  my own horse-sized manhood.

Clipper has the biggest cock on the football team, 
which he proudly flaunts in the locker room. 
The huge meat between his legs both dominates
 and provokes envy among his team mates!
Clipper's stud-stallion's cock  was
 as long and as thick
 as  my own horse-sized manhood!

Clipper aims his huge cock and  began to piss on me, the defeated strongman now laid out on the ground, in a golden shower. I  felt the rush of the hot stream of liquid pour over me as the QB Stud  hosed the muscle head football player whose ass he just put down with his dong-zilla sized manhood.  It sounded like a racehorse pissing on a flat rock as Clipper emptied his bladder on the beautiful pecs and sculpted abs of my muscular physique  in an ego-crushing act of degrading humiliation.

 Clipper's team mates  behind him watch, more in awe than in disappointment,  as he marks me as his property with his primitive act of alpha male domination.

"Okay, cocksucker...time to suck MY dick. You give me any trouble and I'm gonna hurt ya." Clipper raises his fist  and flexes his pecs over his beaten foe to emphasize the point.  Sucking another man's cock is the ultimate act of surrender for an Alpha male.  Once   Clipper turns me into his cocksucking bitch, there will be no doubt  to all the players watching that he, Clipper, is the manliest, most virile and strongest!  The true Alpha male of the football team!
Livid at the thought of my humiliation of receiving Clipper's golden shower, and of  now being forced to suck his cock, especially in front of a audience of fellow athletes,  I pull my right arm back and fire it up in a wild uppercut toward Clipper's ample manhood. My fist connects with his low hanging  bull-sized balls.  With a bellow like a bull being castrated, he cries out in agony and  backs up nearly paralyzed from the pain coming from his smashed big bull balls.  He grabs  his crotch to  protect his stud gonads from further damage. Not giving Clipper any time to recover  from the nut shot,  I scramble to my feet.  Holding his pain racked balls leaves Clipper's stomach open and exposed.

My  uppercut slams up-to-my wrist  deep into Clipper's stomach. His legs give out as he drops to his knees in front of me, his face falling forward into my bulging crotch, smearing blood across the white football pants he clamps his big arms around my tree trunk legs for support.  I shove Clipper backwards, sending the weary  fighter crashing, rag-doll-like, onto his back.

I move forward, pinning Clipper's shoulders to the ground with my knees, then look down and smirk, blood dripping from my lips onto Clipper's face. "Your gonna  lose, punk!" I shout, then I fire a right-left combo into Clipper's nose. Clipper squeals in pain and tries to buck free from my pin, but to no avail. My chest and arm muscles peak as I  fire off another right-left combo into Clipper's nose. Blood begins rolling down from each nostril and down either side of Clipper's face as he stares up at me in  wide-eyed in fear.  "Damn it!" I snarl, legitimately annoyed at failing to break my opponent's nose.

I plant my feet on either side of Clipper’s torso. I grin at the players and look down at my foe, then quickly untie my bloodied white football pants and, reaching down with my right hand, scoop out my own horse-sized  cock and bull balls and hang them over my waistband just as Clipper had done when he gave me a golden shower  earlier. As the players  scream themselves hoarse, Clipper woozily sees three anaconda-sized  cocks aimed at his face instead of one.

I put my hands on my hips and begin to spray piss like a fire hose on my  downed enemy. It was like a fire hydrant had been opened.  As I hosed my foe  down with my King-dong sized manhood, I swayed my fire hose a bit, piss belching out of it.

With a cocky grin and flexing my mighty arms, I continued to rain what seemed like a gallon of his piss down on the groaning Clipper. Shaking the last of the piss out of my horse-cock I slowly  tucked my  long thick dong back down into  my football  pants and then with a struggle pulled the spandex  back up over my huge bodybuilder ass. "Ha!" I think, "I can play water sports too!"

With that I turn to pose for my new pals, but I see they are looking and pointing at something behind me.    I turn back to face Clipper only to find that the big man has already  gotten to his feet!   "Daymn,   I can't believe he has taken my best shots  and is still able to stand up! This muscle man is actually giving me a run for my money! What's it going to take to stop....BAAAAAAMMMMMM!  I don't finish my thought because my  face is met by Clipper's big left fist with a 'SMACK' square in the jaw.  I am glad my  firm has a good dental plan!

 I don't finish my thought because
 my  face is met by Clipper's big left fist
with a '
SMACK' square in my  jaw!

Still woozy, Clipper follows up with another wild right cross that misses by a mile.  I clamp the back of Clipper's head, then, holding my opponent's head in place, rear back my own head and send a brutal headbutt smashing into the football  fighter’s nose. Clipper's nose finally breaks with a loud snap and blood explodes down his face, gushing over his  mouth and chin and knocking the beaten muscle stud  out cold.

 The watching  players mouths drop open in shock and awe. “SHIT!” a couple of them exclaim. One of the watching players whistles. “You knocked him the fuck out!

"Nice job, killer," Delashaun says. "I thought he had you when he mounted you, but you came back strong and got the job done."

 "I wasn't about to get my butt kicked after going to all this trouble," I say, turning and spitting out the blood from my lips. "You could have warned me though, I know you said he had muscle, but you didn't tell me he was the  fucking Terminator!"

"Yeah," Delashaun says with a laugh. "I may have held back a few details.  But I figured if I said too much, and you really knew what your were gonna be facing, that you wouldn't come to fight him!"

The players are still looking at the blooded, piss soaked, still form of their team mate. "We gotta get some photos of this beat down!" one  shouts.  A helmet is clamped down on my head as another one is slipped  on the KOed Clipper. I am urged to teabag him, but I demure feeling that I had done enough.  It was a hard match, harder than I had expected. but all that mattered was that it ended with a decisive victory by yours truly.    Cell phones began snapping pics of my victory pose over the wrecked Clipper.

"I think he gets the message.  Now I need to take him to your coach to make sure HE gets the message..." I tell Delashaun.

"Yeah," Delashaun says. "Coach is a good man. I don't know what he didn't do something about Clipper himself.  When I asked him and all he said was 'Son, I have been around for a long time.  This Clipper problem will all work itself out with time."

With my face bloody and my chest heaving in ragged breaths, I bend down, and with my  glistening muscles straining, I lift the unconscious Clipper up into my arms. I look like a victorious Roman gladiator, as I carry Clipper  off the field on to the Coach's office.  I enter without knocking, stop, then drop the unconscious  Clipper on the Coach's floor  like a sack of shit. "Your boy is now done clippin’!"  I growl, chest heaving. Clipper’s coach  looks down at his star player, and just nods. “Yeah,” he says, surprisingly matter-of-factly. "I figured some 'white knight' would come along to take Clipper out eventually. I was wondering why it was taking so long to happen.  I hope you beat the asshole out of the mean fucker!"

I drop the unconscious body of  Clipper
 on the Coach's office floor right at  Coach's feet
  like a sack of shit!
Your boy is now done clippin’. Coach!
I growl! 

With blood flowing down my chin and neck from a split lip, I rubbed my red-and-purple blotched stomach with my right hand. I was hurting head to toe but my abs was where I was really feeling the working over I had gotten.  Clipper had wrecked my abs so bad I wouldn't be able to tie my shoelaces for a week.   Then, wiping my bloody lips with the back of his left hand, I lean over and spit into Clipper's face.  "If not, let me know and I will come back and beat him some more."

"Mind if I use your shower, Coach?  We had a pretty rough practice, today..."

"Sure, son. It looks like Clipper didn't go down easy.  He fucked you up good.  Use my private shower area.  It's got its own whirlpool and steam room. and you look like you could use some time in both. Clipper is a strong, tough mother-fucker. You might have been able to pull out a win today, but it looks like he made sure to give you plenty to remember him by.  In fact I think I will join you in steam room.  I got an interesting  story about how a young Brett Favre handled his own 'Clipper' problem  that I think you will enjoy."

The Coach turned out to be a cool dude to chill 
with and we really hit it off!

End Note:

After the fun with the coach, while Clipper was suckling on my Goliath of a donger, I signed the chastened bully with legal representation by my firm!  His old legal representative, not knowing that come to Jesus moment my beatdown had brought  to him, were glad to see the backside of him, so those bruises paid off! Hey, ALWAYS BE CLOSING, amIright?


Saturday, September 7, 2024

A reader gets his wish : Mule and Joe

~Mule and Joe~
Mule faces Joe, an adversary worthy of his stature!
Two  powerful musclemen fused into a mutual 
brutal  "bear hug"!  With mighty arms crushing 
bone and muscle, who will be able to resist longer?

 Mule and Joe : A reader gets his wish

Story by Mule, based on suggestions from Andrew Bruno, edited by Stefan, pictures and art by Enrique Nito Natal and Steve62Reeves

As Your Mule looked over the messages and comments the Blog had received from Joe Wantowrestl, I couldn't help but think that I had let Joe down. He's told me what he likes, but I have failed to deliver.  Now the last thing the Mule wants to do is disappoint a great fan like Joe.  I got to do something about that.  You know, I thinks, I got a fuckton of frequent flier miles that are about to expire.   What if I used them for a little pop-up meet and greet with Joe, have a "friendly" match and take care of all his wishes while I'm there.

So, I figured it was high time to go toe-to-toe with Joe, and give him what he wanted in a match.  Therefore, I emailed him a challenge and we exchanged the obligatory "I'll-kick-your-fucking-ass" e-mails, and set up a time and date.

It was 6:45 AM on a Saturday morning at the Dallas Airport when I caught my plane to 
the nearest airport to Joe's hometown in Michigan.  Not much activity going on in the waiting lounge this early in the morning on a Saturday. 
Saturday morning at the Dallas Airport

I had some daisy-duke cut-off jean shorts, a low cut tank top and flip-flops that I changed into just before boarding the plane 'cuz I like to be comfortable when I fly. I was almost the only person on the plane besides the MILF flight attendant and some napping oldsters. 

I like to be dressed comfortably when I fly

Looks like I have my choice of seats!  The plane is practically
empty!  Thanks to CoVid-19

'scuse me, Ms Flight Attendant Ma'am!
I'm not a coffee drinker, darlin'!
Any chance you could whip me up a protein shake?

Sure muscles, comin' right up!  Just remember to return to your
seat, fasten your seat belt and put on a shirt before
 we land, hon!

It was a little cooler than I was expecting when I got off the plane in Michigan. But I was too lazy to open my carry-on luggage gym bag for a sweatshirt.  I travel light.  When you look as good as me you don't need clothes.   I called an Uber to get me to the address I had gotten from Joe. The Uber driver was friendly and kept pointing out things to me as we rode along.   It looks like a real nice town but my mind wasn't on the scenery.  It was on Joe.   As always, I had prepared well for the fight.  I found his user profile on the GlobalFight Wrestling & Boxing Personals site, ( ) read the first hand reviews of his wrestling matches with other members, then chatted up a few of his former opponents in the chat room for info and tips.  I leaned back in the seat, watching the ocean go by (the 'Ocean' turned out to be one of the Great Lakes, don't remember which one) and thinking about squeezing the big man in my bearhug until his ribs caved in.

As I approached his house, I could hear the sound of hammering.  I slowly walked up the short driveway; the garage door was open and the place was a handyman's dream---there were 2 x 4s and piles of wood covering half the floor.  A power saw, surrounded by ample piles of saw dust, took up nearly the entire back corner.  One whole wall was covered with hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers of every conceivable size.  The right side of the garage was bare except for a thick blue wrestling mat, 10' x 10' square.

In the center of the garage, with his back to me, stood Joe, pounding nail after nail into wood. Shit, he was a big man, a lot bigger than his pictures let on.  Broad shoulders, biceps bulging with each swing of the hammer, big legs in tight Levi's, construction boots, work gloves.  He hadn't heard me approach, so I positioned myself behind him until I left a shadow on the board that he was nailing.

"Looks like your kinda busy…" I said to announce my presence. Joe turned around and recognized me immediately.  "Mule! So you really came!   So many dudes flake out and ghost me once we set up a match.   Nice to finally met you.   Man, you are every thing I was expecting and more."

As happy as Joe was to see me, he still eyed me warily.  I could tell he was already looking for weak points he could exploit during our fight.  Joke's on him.  Mule don't have no weak points.  "I was trying to finish up the deck around the the hot tub I just installed in my back yard.  Maybe we can try it out after our match,"  Joe explained.  He put down his hammer and cracked his knuckles, itching for a fight. Without saying a word, he clicked a small device that was on his workbench. My head turned with the whirr of the automatic garage door closing behind me. Joe flashed me a grin.

I took my T-shirt at the seam and pull it slowly, much slower than usual, over my head.  I didn't need to see to know what Joe was doing.... he was moving his eyes to my perfect eight pack abs, then slowly up to take in my pecs, delts, triceps and awesome nineteen inch biceps as I revealed my hot rock-hard muscle body to him. My golden torso gleamed with the first thin sheen of sweat, my muscles flexed, as my magnificent chest rose and fell with my heaving breaths.  I took my T and toss it to the side of the room.  I dropped my arms to my sides, with my hand palms facing to the front and then I lifted my arms a few inches sideways - the classical position of someone who opens himself without any reservation, to the other person. 

"This is how a real bodybuilder looks..." I say, standing stripped to the waist.

Joe just smiles, and begins to unbutton the flannel shirt he is wearing.  With three buttons undone, I began to make out a rippling torso of monstrous muscle.    He unbuttons the rest of his shirt and pulls it open, revealing a rock solid set of deeply ridged eight pack of washboard abs.  Joe schucked his shirt off revealing his muscular torso. He  flexed his huge pecs and showed off his wide and thick 54" chest.  I found myself admiring his powerful chest.  It was an intimidating sight!

"Yeah, I know a little about bodybuilding myself, Mule,"  Joe says matter-of-factly as he pulls his shirt off like a boss, and throws it over on top of my T-shirt on the floor.  Now also stripped to the waist, Joe flaunts a set of thick brickwork abs, running his hands slowly over each deeply chiseled muscle.  Then Joe faces me with hands on hips and flared his lats.  He's got a brawny, beefy physique that is stacked with slabs of muscle and he makes sure I get a good, long look at it.  Whoa!  Joe is built like a brick shit house!  I wasn't expecting that!   Joe is staring me down and looking confident as Fuck, ready to throw down!

Joe unbuttons the rest of his shirt and pulls it open
Yeah, I know a little about bodybuilding myself, Mule
Joe was bigger than I had been lead to believe. A lot bigger

Joe and Mule

Both of us shirtless men smiled as we gazed at each other, admiring each other's muscular physiques. My body was chiseled and esthetic, while Joe was more thick and bulky.  He looked almost  like a Lego figure made out of cement blocks.  

"You ready to do this, Mule?"  Joe asked confidently, as he moved his right hand to his jeans and began unbuttoning them.  I unzipped my cutoffs at the same time. 
Joe and I stood facing each other. "So I got a pair of speedos in my gym bag, but what you say we just wrestle like men -dicks out and  bare-assed butt naked " I proposed.  I took Joe's wide smile as his affirmative answer.  Joe struggled to get his Levis down over his bodybuilder sized thighs and muscled glutes.  The jeans reluctantly came off.  Like any good muscle-stud, Joe was going commando. Of course, so was I.

 We both dropped-trousers  in a joint fluid motion, freeing the two pythons from their nests.  The pair of us, dropped-trou faster than Walmart runs out of toilet paper, we were as anxious as a couple of  hormonal amped-up high school wrestlers to get started grappling.  The second surprise Joe had for me was 
 a Whopper of a cock swinging back-and-forth between his legs!  Now naked,  we were both surprised that the other had such a large cock, because frankly neither of us had believed the other's bragging and shit talking.  Joe was packing!  His fat semi-erect cock was  as thick as my own and almost as long!   We were both fucking hung like  horses!

Joe had another surprise for me when we dropped-trousers
Joe had a Whopper of a cock swinging between his thick thighs!
Joe's cock 
was as impressive as my own mammoth man-cock!
We were both hung like horses!

Joe seemed to be full of surprises!  First, as I stated previously, when our shirts came off and he revealed his thick bodybuilder physique: Joe was a big swole motherfucker, a stud loaded with muscle and power.   Lots of muscles, actually.   I had not expected that.  Nor had I expected his confidence, bordering on arrogance, it is one thing to preen and posture on the Internets, quite another to do so in the presence of a muscular titan like me!  Plenty of folks talk like they are 10' tall and bullet proof, until they meet me in person, than they deflate faster than a football meant for Tom Brady!  Joe definitely wasn't intimidated by me, that's for sure. And why should he be intimidated? He was as big as me and was spouting a porn-size tube of cock meat and set of bull balls to boot !  Wasn't expecting that either.   It was pretty obvious I had been played by the dudes on GlobalFights and fed a lot of bullshit and misinformation about what Joe would be bringing into a fight.  None of those dirty fuckers in the chatroom had warned me that Joe was the human embodiment of a tank, a beefy stud with thick rippling muscle and power.  Welp, like Honest Abe Lincoln once said, you can't believe everything you read on the internet!  But I found myself wondering what other surprises Joe had in store for me!

What's the matter, Mule?
Are you getting insecure?
Having second thoughts, bro?

Joe was stretching his shoulders as he stepped onto the mats.  I was opposite him spreading my feet wide and bending forward, stretching my lower back as I rested the palms of my hands on the mat.  “I get the impression that you do this sort of thing a lot,” I said to Joe. "Let me just say that you’re messing with the wrong man if you were expecting an easy win, Mule..."  Joe was standing in front of me resting his hands on his hips while waiting for me to finish my stretching.   

We lock hands and test each other’s strength.  Both of our big muscle-packed bodies were every bit as strong as they looked!  My sculpted muscles  seem to have a slight advantage, forcing Joe to take a few steps backward at first, but once Joe plants his feet his backward movement stopped.  I am still winning the contest as I slowly forced Joe down slowly, one inch at a time, trying  to put him on his knees.   At least I was, until Joe suddenly lifts his knee into my midsection, making me double over with a loud "UUNNNNNFFFF!"  Joe wastes no time following up with with a punishing series of six hard jabs into my abdomen.  Joe was softening up my mid section for something and I didn't need to wait long to find out what!

Joe hit me with a roundhouse right into my thoroughly worked over abs that totally doubled me over.  I fell to my knees as I wretched, almost vomiting onto the floor. FUK!  Joe had weakened my abs with those jabs and then he gutted me with his roundhouse right! With both hands I held my devastated stomach. Then Joe raised his powerful arms up, clasped his hands and hammered me across my broad muscular back.  It took four mighty blows to fell me face down onto the floor.  I tried to grab Joe's  ankles but Joe then brutally stomped on the back of my head, smashing my face into the concrete floor under the thin wrestling mat.  

I sitting on my muscled ass holding my noggin.  Joe is standing over me, with a slight smile.  He cracks his knuckles again and rolled his shoulders.  "First Fall goes to me!' Joe announces the obvious.

  DAYMN!  I had been expecting a traditional scientific Greco-Roman style match, so I was caught off-guard when Joe started pulling his WWE shit on me. OK, OK so Joe likes to play rough... well I can play that game too. I thought as I straightened back up, still rubbing my aching mid section, and  quickly scrambled to my feet. 

"Don't get cocky, Joe! I am just getting started!" I growl, confidently.  

"I'm just getting started too, Mule! You sound a little nervous. What's the matter? Am I more than you bargained for?" the equally confident Joe retorted.  No smile this time, he's fucking serious and has his game face on.

 We fought, in a macho trial of strength, straining for dominance.  We were on each other, wrestling, punching, anything we could do to punish the other.  Both of us muscular men wrestled and sweated, with our fists in the air.  The fight was pretty even, me and Joe were really going to town on each other.  Fists to the jaws, and hard and heavy body shots.  The sound of fists hitting muscle mixed with our grunts and groans echoed off the garage walls.  Just two naked pumped up musclemen, sweaty and bloody.  We were having ourselves one hell of a bare-assed, bare-knuckle fist fight.  When we clinched I realized we were both boned to the max.  Our cocks were at full mast and hard as steel.

Still tightly clinched, my hard fists dug into Joe's tough muscle.  My punches to his pecs and his nips were starting to take a toll.  But I needed to get out of his clinch and open some space between up in order to throw some power punches.  So I hocked up a good one and spit right in Joe's face!  As I had counted on, the surprise caused him to drop his clinch, as he stepped back and put his hand up to his face to wiped my spittle away.   That was all I needed him to do in order to land a good left /right combo to his jaw rocked him.

He staggered back, stunned.  He glared at me and told me to fuck myself so I landed another fist hard across his jaw.  But this time he came back with an uppercut to my still weakened worked over  midsection that he put all of his weight and power into.  He impaled me with his fist and it went in deep to my body.  The uppercut hit with so much force that it raised my 252 lbs of solid muscle off my feet by a full foot.  When he pulled his fist back out of gut, I fell back to the earth.  And when I landed he was waiting for me, with a solid right cross to the jaw, that turned my legs into rubber and made my eyes roll back into my head.   I was vaguely aware that I was falling to the floor.  Big Joe had dropped me with his haymaker  and I was heading down to the floor for the count.

But before my big muscle-butt hit the floor, Joe grabbed me as I was falling to the floor, and held me up with one had and used his his free fist to punch me in the abs, again and again. UNNNNNN! UGHHHHHH...AHHHHHH...FUUUUUCK! Joe was a hard hitter. Each punch he threw was packed with dynamite and forced a loud grunt, groan, and obscenity out of me when it landed. The armored steel plates of my abs were buckling under the unrelenting impact of his sledge hammer fists. 

"GOOD! I finally wiped that conceited smile off your face, Mule!  Had enough yet Mule? We have been at this long enough that by now ever a stupid meathead should have figured out that my muscles are as strong as yours. And my cock is as big as yours.  You have met your match, Mule buddy! I can go toe-to-toe with you all night long, baby! So should I just keep on punching you in the gut!?  Or are you ready to go dick to dick with me in a bear hug, dude?  " Joe asked me with a cocky grin.  My abs had all of Joe's ham-sized fists that they wanted.

"OK, OK,...enough, enough.. this fall goes to you, too..." I growl in submission.

"That's two falls straight for me!" Joe says as he steps away and shakes out his fist and loosens up his shoulder with some stretching. "Heh! You didn't think I would win, did ya Mule?"

"I bet the last thing you were expecting was to be taken down by one of your "fan-boys" as you like to call us readers of Mule's Blog.  Just goes to show you that you never know who is reading and not to make assumptions about your fan base."  Joe lecturfied me. 

Joe obviously had far more wrestling experience
than I had been lead to believe

"So you have had a LOT more wrestling experience than I was lead to believe, Joe!  I groaned as I stated the obvious.  "Looks like I have been set-up...."

"I've done some underground wrestling under the name El Macho Gabacho.  Intense, brutal matches, and I seldomly lose...." Joe reveals.

So the truth comes out, Joe is the infamous internet wrestler for hire, El Macho Gabacho. I know the name and his reputation.  And know I know for sure that this is a set-up!

Joe, under his wrestler name of El Macho Gabacho,
destroys another of his many opponents

"Shit, you are one powerful motherfucker" I said as I stood up. I was panting and dripping with sweat but 
was grinning. "I'll give you that. fuck...Joe! But I haven't given up yet, big guy!" I responded defiantly, my chest heaving as I tried to get some of the air Joe had knocked out of me back into my body while my brain was attempting to process this new information Joe had just provided.

"Maybe not, Mule" rejoined Joe. "But you have lost -two falls in a row! But since I'm enjoying kickiny you muscle-bound ass around and showing you what a true Alpha Male is like, I might be willing to give you a "pity-round so you can try to redeem some of your dignity..." Joe chuckled.

"Ok, Ok...yeah, enough...but I've had enough wrestling! You said you wanted a bearhug contest in your email..." I said as I stretched out my abs and walked off the effects of Joe's brutal gut punching. Joe was a hell of a lot more muscle stud than I had expected. He had almost knocked me on my fucking ass. Standing toe-to-toe and trading punches with big Joe wasn't working out too good for me.  In fact, Joe was right on both counts,  he was a match for me and I was losing so far.  Time to change to something else. "If you want  a bear 
hug contest, I'll give you one.  Last round, bearhug, winner of the last round wins the's all on the line in the final fall" I proposed. 

 "Let's do it!"  was Joe's immediate and enthusiastic response! 

 My chest and abs were still heaving, but I was ready.  Bear hug contest and cockfight had been his challenge to me, it was time for me to make sure Joe was sorry when he got what he had asked for.

Knowing that the bearhug was the greatest demonstration of one man’s domination of another, and Joe and I  longed to give each  a taste of our power, to use our  muscle-bound bodies to crush each others  body to smithereens - to see which of us was the strongest muscleman! 

"Bear-hug. First to cum loses and  has to lick up the mess. " I confirm.

"You will be surrendering and begging me for mercy by the time I fuck the cum out of you...." Joe says confidently as he stretched out his body and flexed, making his muscles bulge and ripple and making his jumbo-sized  prick bob up and down.

We both stepped forward, locking our bodies together in a mutual bear hug! For an instant we stood cemented together, chest to chest, nipples to nipples, abs to abs, hard cock to hard cock.  The erotic sensation was too much for both of us  musclemen. Together we sighed out loudly, moaned in wanton lust.  

"Bearhug? Are you sure you didn't just want an excuse for us to get close...? I asked snarkily between grunts as our arms encircled each other. "UNNG.....Uhh.. I grunt...|.I guess your feeling my big arms around you, Joe.  Get ready to feel some pain..."I shit talk to Joe as we start to clinch up.,  

"Yeah, but you got them big arms of your too high, Mule-buddy.  When I clamp down on your lower back with my equally massive arms you're going to feel me break your fucking back...." Joe retorts between the moans, groans and grunts we are both making.  

Big threat for a fan-boy I start to say, but ...   My response was cut short as I felt Joe locking his wrists together at the small of my back.  "AAAGH!!"UGGGGGH!!!  GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
 I couldn't hold in a cry of pain and a few moans agog as I felt Joe's enormous pectorals suddenly pressing against my body and his ripped abs crushing my cock.

Despite the immense pain I got a full nine-inch boner. Joe smiled with satisfaction  when he noticed his rival's rock-hard dick.
" You seem to like being dominated, Mule. Here, I'll give you some more, feel what real ""fan-boy" power can do to that big muscle-stud body of yours..." Joe growled.

- "UUGGHH! - I moaned when Joe increased the pressure. Joe, feeling me struggling  in his Herculean grip,   Joe's own horse cock extended to it full length and thickness, matching my own in size and hardness. 

"How does that feel, Mule!  Don't try to give up yet, stud ....I want to show you just what this "fan-boy" can do...." Joe said confidently.

We were flexing biceps as large and as hard as cannonballs into each other’s ribs. "OOOOORRRRGGGHHHHHH!! GGRRRUUHHHHUHHHHH!!! "  We grunted and groaned.  As my ribs started to bend and bruise, I realized that Joe was as skilled in  bearhugging as he was in punching. "OWWW!"  Well, I got some mad bearhugging skills myself.

I began squeezing Joe back, hard. "Oooohhhggh!!" The air came out of the his lungs, as his ribs bent under the pressure of the massive arms that I had wrapped around his torso.  Joe was bending my ribs, and now I also was bending his.  My bulging biceps pressed against Joe's rib cage, forcing more air out of the Joe’s lungs and restricting them from expanding to gain more air.   I took a giant breath and expanded my huge chest to its fully flexed size.  My powerful chest began to overpower and then compress Joe's thickly muscled chest.  His eyes opened wide.  He wasn't used to being over powered.  Our muscular abdomens had been rapidly inflating and deflating against each other, but I put a stop to that as I flex my hard muscle gut against Joe's musclegut, preventing him from gulping in oxygen to fuel his muscles.  I had my eyes locked in a stare with Joe's, waiting for that look of doubt in his eyes when he realizes I could beat him.  I grunted like a Silverback gorilla, as I made Joe suffer in my mighty embrace; and I forced moans and groans out of him with the crushing power of my flexing biceps, as they grew even larger!  Joe threw his head back and roared in pain and frustration. I was crushing Joe against my mighty chest with my dominating Mule muscle.  I was breaking Joe's big he-man body with mine!

"I'm gonna make sure you NEVER forget this defeat!" Joe growled before slapping on the tightest bearhug he'd ever applied.  Joe   began to slowly rock me side to side in an undulating motion, grinding his biceps into my ribs and crushing my sternum against his mighty chest. The sweat between us allowed our skin to easily slide against each other,  which brought our spiking, bullet - hard  nipples into contact, sending jolts of pleasure through both of our bodies. We were face-to-face, chest-to-chest, stomach-to-stomach, and shaft-to-shaft.

  I let out an involuntary  scream of pain that fortunately, was muffed by Joe's beefy pecs that surrounded my face.

My mighty body was being crushed 
by the huge arms of my equally muscular and equally strong adversary!

I buried my head into the deep pec valley of Joe's massive chest as I groaned in pain!

My mighty body was being crushed by the huge arms of my equally muscular and equally strong adversary!  The lubrication between our bodies allowed Joe to slide his arms even more around my thick chest.  Joe's massive arms swelled like a python squeezing its prey as he  tightened his hug around my thick, sweaty torso.

As he slowly ground his amazing physique against mine erotically, Joe then leaned his head forward until his and my foreheads and noses were touching. Joe looked down at our sweaty, heaving chests mashed together by the hold and observed the swell and pump the match had given our upper bodies. Both of us panted with exertion!  

Joe pulled  my body into him even tighter while speaking directly into my face as his forehead and nose remained in contact with mine!  "You feel that,Mule? These muscles of mine,” a straining Joe grunted  “these huge arms of mine that you feel around you are gonna CRUSH YOU, big man!  My muscles are gonna crush all those big muscles of yours into pulp!"

Then Joe began sliding his body up and down mine, but only by a few inches, making sure his thick fully-hard dick remained in constant contact with my 9" erection. The sweat between our massive bodies acted as lubricant to allow him to slide his cock up and down my shaft more easily. As he moved, his massive haunches would ripple and flex,  his  muscular ass  humped me and the  low hanging bull sized scrotums of ud two alpha male muscle-studs  rubbed and slapped against each other. 

  Joe began to savagely cock fuck me with his powerful fuckpole, viciously bashing away on my cock with his. My balls churned and churned from the abuse to my cock, producing more and more cum, bloating themselves to twice their normal size.  I fought  to not shoot off my load. Joe was good at this, really good. I wondered how many cock fights he had won.  Then Joe applied his mighty bear hug even stronger, nearly snapping my spine, while plowing my cock harder and harder. He started to viciously hump me, ramming his massive sex pole into my groin!

Now we were  two crazed bodybuilders grinding our  jackhammers together. 
Our meaty rumps flexed with each powerful thrust of our pelvises. Grunting in animal lust we were  two rutting bulls engaged in a fierce cockfight. 

Joe  again took advantage of the slippery sweat covering our bodies to slide his  giant arms lower on my body, under my ribcage. Now Joe's massive arms were around my narrow waist. He worked his  huge pythons around me as he continued to clasp his hands together in the small of my lower back.  Joe's face showed a determination to crush my body with his massive arms, as his huge rock-solid biceps and triceps exploded with power again!  I can't hold back my reaction as I throw my head back and howl like a coyote in pain!  Joe had reversed the bear hug!  

“Feel my power, Mule!  Feel what it's like to face real POWER!  Joe snarled. “Do you feel that big he-man body of yours failing as I gradually squeeze you into submission? Feel your muscles being slowly over-powered by my equally big and even stronger muscles as I fuck you up piece by piece?”

“Fuck you!” I snarled back. But Joe had taken control of the bear hug. Now he was the one that was large and in charge.  He was gonna make me suffer! 

Two equally muscled and equally hung musclemen,
 each making the other suffer excruciating pain in their mighty arms!
  The torture is unbearable,  yet somehow erotic.
 Grunts, groans, moans and whimpers interrupted by
 frequent  screams of pure pain. 
Tears of agony mixed with the rivers of sweat
 pouring off the twin mountains of muscle forming a pool on the floor.
   Which giant muscleman's body and mind will break first and surrender,
begging for mercy from to the true Alpha Male in humiliating defeat?. 

My back felt  like its was about to splinter!  The fucking lumbar vertebra in my spine compressed and excruciating pain shot down the sciatic nerves in both my legs. It felt like my muscles were  surrendering, one by one  in my Joe's embrace as he squeezed my muscular body to its breaking point! My body jerked involuntarily as it  vainly tried  to find an avenue of escape.

"You're breaking my fucking back, dude!!!"  I groaned. I didn't mean to say it. It had just slipped out when my body reached the point where I couldn't take anymore punishment! I had to fight my own urge to submit.

"That's the idea, you cocky, arrogant, over-confident  meathead!Joe laughed cruelly. "It's supposed to hurt, Mule," he said. "In fact, You're gonna take a lot of pain today!" Joe growled back "....because  Mule, the Big internet celebrity' muscle-stud is going to be taken down by one of his  own Fan Boys.  That's right I am gonna break 'The Mighty Mule' in half!"

I could feel Joe's powerful abdominal muscles pushing against mine as we gasped for air.  Our sweaty, muscular stomachs slid and caressed our hard-on's that felt  like hot spears trapped between our torsos, in a warm brawny embrace.  Pre-cum starting to seep from the piss slits of our hard cocks, and mix with the sweat dripping from our abs.  Joe and I ground our huge pecs, our muscular bellies, and our swollen cocks together.  The sweat and precum cemented and fused our muscular bodies together: face-to-face, chest-to-chest, stomach-to-stomach, and shaft-to-shaft.   Our massive bodies dripped with sweat as our muscular abdomens rapidly inflated and deflated against each other.   We continued pressing our nipples together. My bullet sized nips dug deep into Joe's, like twin steel spikes. 

It was clear that we were both were masters of the bear hug hold.  

We both  writhed in pain, groaning and gasping for breath.  Like two massive boa constrictors  both musclemen struggled to crush the life out of each another.  Sweat poured from our bodies, our faces burned red from the strain as we winced from the others pulverizing might, our muscles bulging to their limits, our chests heaving. Biceps bulged and flexed as our huge pythons begin destroying each other's body. 

With both of us hung like horses, the diamond-hard cocks trapped between our torsos also battled, his powerful abdominal muscles pushing against mine as he breathed harder.

Our mighty glutes flexed and unflexed, as we drove our cocks hard against each other!  Faster and faster!  In our mutual bearhug, we were squeezing each other’s muscles, our heaving abs were cracking together, our pecs mashed together, sweat mingling!  We both groaned involuntarily, as our boners battled.   Precum dribbled out of our piss slits, coating each other's throbbing cocks.  Sweat and precum leaked out from between our tightly compressed rock hard muscles and dripped to the floor.

“You're fuck'n turned on, Mule.  So am I.  This is hot as fuck...NO HOMO...?" snarled Joe, between grunts.  "Think you can make me shoot my load?  Think you’re man enough?  I’m as much of a stud as you. Maybe even more of a stud. Let's find out...  If you can make me cum first then I will admit that you are the best.  If I make you come first than you admit that I am the best.   You think you’re better than me? Come on, Mule. It's time for us to Prove who the manliest man  really is!

Our massive bodies sweaty were cemented together: face-to-
face, chest-to-chest, stomach-to-stomach, and shaft-to-shaft.
Joe and I ground our huge pecs, our muscular bellies, and our
 swollen cocks together.

He was grinding his strong body against mine. He was trying to spear my cock with his.  At he same time, he rubbed his thickly muscled chest and hard nipples against mine.  I fought back with my cock, my crotch, and my nipples.  I rubbed every inch of his body with mine-his chest with mine, his cock with mine.   I finally speared his cock with mine and was able to rub.  Suddenly we were both lost in lust and desire as waves of pain and pleasure flowed thru us. To add insult to injury my musclebound tormentor was one of my fans from my blog!

Both musclemen writhed in pain, groaning and gasping for breath.
They struggled to crush each another. 
Sweat poured from their bodies, their faces burned red from the strain
as each suffered  from the others pulverizing might!
Their muscles bulging to their limits, their chests and abs heaving,
their pre cum dripping freely as the giant cocks fought
against each other like two massive boa constrictors!

We were bucking up against each other, but now we were trying to maximize our contact to make our imminent explosion even harder.  I wanted to feel every inch of his body against mine! We were moaning incoherently.  We thrust and thrust pushing and slamming out sweaty, naked muscled physiques together again and again, making sure neither gave the other any relief from the onslaught.

It had been a rougher match than I had expected!
Joe was a worthy competitor!
He wrestled me to a stalemate!

“OK, stud, let’s see it.  Let’s see how much I turned you on.”    With one move of his hips he pulled back from my body just enough for my huge cock to spring out hard as a rock and leaking cock snot like a leaky faucet. “Oh, yeah!  Look at what I did to you, Mule.  Look at that fucking rod.  Fuck yeah!  I’m gonna enjoy making it shoot.”  Joe taunted as he slammed his body hard back into mine,  closing the small space he had opened and trapping our dicks again.

"That's right, Mule! You can feel it and you saw it with your own eyes! My cock is as big as yours, and even more powerful than yours!" Joe boasted in a deep growling whisper right into my ear, exerting his dominance.

I was now aware of  just how super-hard my dick had become!  My 9" cock, even though once again trapped between two sets of sweaty and  heaving rock-hard abdominals,  is pointed straight up at the ceiling and drooling a steady stream of pre-cum coating us both. My throbbing dick is almost past the point of control. I  realize that  at some point of the cockfight, Joe had gotten control and was beginning to successfully sexually dominate me! I was being out-sexed! I need to break his control while I still can.  I seek to regain control by using my awesomely muscled body as a weapon. I know Joe loves the way I an built, and I use it to my advantage! I  also use smack-talk to humiliate and embarrass Joe.  I start to overcome his efforts to resist my sex-attacks and resist my efforts to force him to cum.

"UHH..UHHH... I can feel your balls tightening up, Joe! UHH...UHHH...You're gonna shoot! UHH UHHHH...I am gonna cock-fuck that big load right outta ya,"  I grunt as I fuck his cock with everything I got. "UHH...UHH ...afraid not, Mule...I'm UH...gonna make you cum!  UH...UH...I will show you who UH...UHHH...the real man is!" " Joe grunted back.  "YOU MIGHT AS WELL GIVE IT UP, JOE! YOUR BIG FAG COCK WANTS TO CUM! AND I'M GONNA MAKE YOU YA DO IT ALL OVER YOURSELF!!"  I growl, as I struggle to win this desperate sexual battle of wills between two locked up prize bulls.

Joe's cock began to throb. He was about to cum! But within seconds, my body tightened.  My painfully rigid cock was also about to blow!

  Joe yelled and I yelled at the same time!   Joe was cumming. And I was cumming.  His whole body jerked.  Still locked together, our powerful muscles flexed with each ejaculation.

  Our cocks deposited wad after wad of baby batter between our bodies, the cum was trapped between two sets of deeply ridged, flexing abs.  Our powerful bodies, still glued to each other, were overcome by lustful passion as we continued to orgasm again and again!   We both were grunting and groaning like a couple of gorillas rutting.

My brain had shut down, and all I could do is scream each time I shot another thick rope of baby batter.  As my dick continued to shoot and I continued to yell!  Joe's bearhug had his bulging biceps right on my flaring lats.  My opponent felt the huge, rock-hard slabs of muscle that were my lats, as they expanded and contracted with my ejaculations.  He squeezed and his iron hard, cannon ball sized biceps dug deep into my lats.  We continued to cum, both determined to drain every bit of cum out of the balls of our opponent.

The match ended in a tie! With our muscular bodies locked together in a mutual bear hug, biceps flexing into each other’s ribs as we ground our cocks together until they exploded at the same time. There was no winner, it was a draw.  

Joe had proven he was as much a man as I was! He had kicked my ass in our fight and had almost out-sexed me in our bearhug contest!  Joe was a hellava stud! 

Grunting and groaning, with our muscular bodies locked
 together in a mutual bear hug, we ground our cocks together as we each

tried to crush the other!
Then, with a scream,
Joe threw his head back!
 I buried my face in Joe's thick chest as let out my own muffled scream. . 
We held each  other tightly, lost in pain and lust,
as we simultaneously shot our massive loads!

When our moaning finally stopped, we stood there with our arms still around each other as we recovered from the homo-erotic sexual lust that had gripped us both. Absolutely no doubt about it:  Joe is a 100% straight, masculine alpha male. But   a cock fight between two studs is still sex,  even though two masculine and virile alpha studs like Joe and me will say its not.  It's just cock-fucking not real fucking so NO HOMO.  But it causes  as much of a physical  and mental bonding as copulation.   We both dropped to the floor and rolled over on our backs. just laying on the mat with our chests and abs heaving. We both were soaked with sweat and a huge amount of cum.  Neither of us could talk at first, catching our breath, getting our emotions and feelings under control, and accessing the damage to our bodies.  A cock fight takes a tremendous toll on the participants, both physically and mentally! So it shouldn't be a surprise that Joe and made good on our stipulation that |"First to cum loses and  has to lick up the mess. " Since   we had nutted at the same time we decided we would both lick up the mess.  I did lick the floor and the body of my opponent clean of every drop of my cum, and Joe did the same.  Not gonna lie, it was hella sexy. 

After our grappling match, Joe and I ended up in his new hot tub trying to soak away some of the pain in our bruised and battered  muscles.  It had been a much rougher match than I had expected. Joe was all man and strong as fuck! Neither of us had held anything back, and had beaten the shit out of each other. 

I slowly eased my self  lower into the hot tub, holding my lower back.  My ribs were fucking killing me too, they hurt every time I took a breath. "Daymn Joe, that was a hell of a grappling session.  You pulled out a win against me twice. I had no idea you’d be such an … enthusiastic fighter!"

Joe just gave a slight smile and then said: "Yeah, and I could have beat you a third time if the match had continued. I had already taken the first and second fall, and I still had plenty of energy left in my tank! " He flexed his right bicep to support his assertion. "But I couldn't take a chance of losing, no matter how small! The Mule is legendary for turning matches around at the end to win! I decided to stop while I was still make absolutely sure I got my bear hug ending..."

 "And what an ending Joe!"   I chimed up.  "I was going all sorts of homo by the end of our cock fight!  Fuck that was HOT as fuk, Joe!  I wonder how long it's gonna take me to get interested in chicks again after a queering like that! And to think I came here here like I was doing you a favor.  Double god Daymn!!! LOL"

After our grueling grappling match, Joe and I 
rehabilitated our beat up bodies in his hot tub. 
OK, Mule, now I want to hear the story of 

when you fought your Father.
Let's hear it, man...and don't leave anything out!

"Yeah, I've heard that from a lot of big cocky musclemen like you, to be honest. No offense. Just keeping it real!"  Joe replied, without a hint of bragging or arrogance. Just spitting out the facts.  That's Joe!

Once we had gotten comfortable in the soothing warm water jets of the Jacuzzi, Joe looked at me and said "OK, Mule, like we discussed on FB, I want to hear the story of when you fought your Father. Here, I have a copy of our FB convo on my phone..."

And thus our tale continues in Part II: Mule vs his Dad

And now, a high-lighted comment on this story from Faithful Reader:

Wow!!! Way to go, Joe. That was a huge win for all of us "fan-boys" of Mule's Blog.
You showed Mule his readers aren't just a bunch of pussies.  
If Mule gets too smug or condescending one of us readers will kick his ass again!

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