Sunday, October 25, 2015

Musings from Valhalla: Halloween

You KNOW an Alpha Male invented Halloween

Halloween is the sluttiest night of the year.... If you cant get laid on Halloween you fail at life. These girls walk around in countless fetish outfits and think since they are in disguise they cant be judged for the the whorish things they bout to do. Not to mention they are drinkin' heavy to take the edge off of standing in a room full of people dressed like a cheap porn star.  

Bottom line is if you don't at least try on Halloween to get laid...well, just chop off your dick and give it to a fat chick for a dildo or to cook it up as a sausage. Either way, at least SHE will use it... I went to  Hallow's Eve Eve Paty---SLOOTS EVERYWHERE!

btw...Didya happen to  see a little mermaid doing a walk of shame home about 8 am this morning?

Tomorrow morning there will be so many sloots doing the walk of shame, it will look like a sloot convention let out.

One Halloween, I am goin' to dress as a caveman so I can show off my muscles and also carry around a club. I'm gonna grunt and tell chicks I'm gonna club em and carry 'em back to my cave...


then at the end of the night I'm actually gonna club one and carry her back to my cave. It's gonna be so kick!

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