Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vignette: Stuck my dick in turkey...think anybody will notice?

This little gem from Thanksgiving 2008 is a prequel to Bouncer!

Lulu Belle (cooks for my Ganny) was prepping the turkey for today, and she needed more stuff so she ran to the store real quick. Well I was walking around the house and I got into the kitchen and I saw the turkey on the table ...Me being a horny ass I decided I wanted to know how it would feel to stick my dick in it. 

She was asking for it, looking all succulent and shit!

So after many fights with myself on whether to do it or not I decided to stick it in real quick....give the turkey some "stuffing" LOL... So I went for it and it felt weird. My question is would anybody notice that it happened? It's not like I tore it up...turns out I stuck mah dick in the hole where it's head use to be...I didn't cum in the turkey that would be sick--just a coupla thrusts to get the feeling...I mean I don't see how anybody would notice-- I’m just being a bit paranoid!

I my defense I’m a  stuck at my Ganny’s home in Jackson -f'n cowtown- Mississippi –ain’t no hot chicks nowhere aroun’...when I said I would come for T day I thought she was planning on being at her home in New Orleans--not up here! LOL

G: I have not changed your room since your last visit here!
M: Ganny, I was SIX!


POST SCRIPT 2015: after news of what the Prime Minister of  the United Kingdom did when he was young with a roasted pig, I don't feel quite as weird about this incident as I once did.

David Cameron and the Pig Fucker Society
 of Oxford University

and in 2015!

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